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To help you get started, browse our list of local birth professionals who are members of Maryland Birth Network and have resolved to practice in accordance with the CIMS Mother-Friendly Childbirth Initiative principles

Our directory also includes professionals that support the new family in a variety of ways. 
You can access various service providers by simpy clicking the following categories:
Disclaimer:  All members of the MBN are independent providers.  The information contained herien is provided for educational  informational purposes only.  Each user is responsible for interviewing and checking the references prior to purchasing services or goods.  The Maryland Birth Network and its administrators make no claims as to the accuracy or reliability of any provider services listed within the website, the electronic directory or written promotional material. 
"Women's strongest feelings [in terms of their birthings], positive and negative, focus on the way they were treated by their caregivers." 
Annie Kennedy & Penny Simkin
Provider Directory